I call shotgun! Working progressively: Part III (Breadboarding it)

Working progressively: Part II (LED matrix semi-schematic)

Posted Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 06:24 PM

A continuation of WiP: Part 1...

This is a (sort of) schematic diagram of the LED matrix just so you can see that the column wires (soldered to the negative/"anode" leads of the LEDs) are coming out of the top of balsa wood box. They are labelled, from left to right, with the numbers 1 to 8.

The row wires (positive/"cathode") are coming out of the right of the box. From top to bottom, they are labelled A to H.

Semi-schematic for an 8x8 LED matrix.
Click for larger image.

The left and bottom wires are hanging loose because, when a LED is powered (ie. turning on 1-A), a path for the flow of electricity will be completed. And since electricity is always trying to find the fastest route to ground, it will ignore anything else (such as those loose wires).

I call shotgun! Working progressively: Part III (Breadboarding it)